正年轻(台),Forever Young,杏仁剧院 Les Amandiers...
快进人生2022Still Time,快进人生 Era Ora...
诗人2022诗人(或少数真相的虚假编年史),中有,部分真实的伪记事,诗人,或少数真相的虚假编年史,Bardo (Or False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths),Bardo (o falsa crónica de unas cuantas verdades),拘禁,Bardo,Limbo,诗人 BARDO, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths...
最孤独的男孩最孤独的男孩 The Loneliest Boy in the World2022,最孤独的男孩 The Loneliest Boy in the World...
然后怎样然后怎样 How It Ends2021,然后怎样 How It Ends...
美丽至极最美丽的邂逅,Sul Più Bello,On the Most beautiful,Out of My League,美丽至极 Sul più bello...