堡内怪胎 Castle Freak2020,堡内怪胎 Castle Freak...
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Soho区惊魂夜苏豪的最后一夜(港) / 迷离夜苏活(台)...
百烛游戏玩命招魂夜(港),弑胆游戏(台),百烛游戏 The 100 Candles Game...
分离离婚惊情,分离 Separation...
恶灵恶魔,驱魔禁区(台),恶灵 Demonic...
夺魂连线宿主,60分鐘招魂直播(港),夺魂连线 Host...
诡秘阴宅The Scary House,The Strange House,诡秘阴宅 Das schaurige Haus...
地狱通话地狱通话 The Call2020,地狱通话 The Call...
断电惊魂鬼护士(台),电源,断电惊魂 The Power...
不洁圣地,邪恶,邪恶玛利亚,Shrine,不洁 The Unholy...
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地表惊旅地表惊旅 In the Earth2021,地表惊旅 In the Earth...
黑色的房间別去地下室(台),黑色的房间 The Black Room...
黑暗与邪恶The Dark & The Wicked,黑暗与邪恶 The Dark and the Wicked...
海滨别墅海边小屋,海滨别墅 The Beach House...
恐雨I Saw a Man with Yellow Eyes,小雨的恐惧,恐雨 Fear of Rain...
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假阳性假阳性 False Positive2021,假阳性 False Positive...