极限:残杀炼狱(台),殉道者,烈士,殉难者 Martyrs...
橡皮头擦纸胶头(港),怪头人,橡皮头 Eraserhead...
闹鬼的宫殿闹鬼的宫殿 The Haunted Palace1963,闹鬼的宫殿 The Haunted Palace...
恐怖喜剧Ruhe Sanft GmbH,恐怖喜剧 The Comedy of Terrors...
猎尸者山多尼卡斯先生,猎尸者 Mr. Sardonicus...
没有面孔的眼睛无脸之眼,无脸之眸,无颜之眼,没脸的眼睛,Eyes Without a Face,没有面孔的眼睛 Les yeux sans visage...
邪恶的科学怪人弗兰肯斯坦的邪恶,邪恶的科学怪人 The Evil of Frankenstein...
红邪The Crimson Cult,猩红色的邪教,红邪 Curse of the Crimson Altar...
血溅坟场血溅坟场 Dracula Has Risen from the Grave1968,血溅坟场 Dracula Has Risen from the Grave...
黑湖妖潭黑湖妖谭,黑湖怪兽,Black Lagoon,黑湖妖潭 Creature from the Black Lagoon...
九尾怪猫九尾猫,盲侠智多星(港),Gatto a nove code, Il,The Cat O’ Nine Tails,九尾怪猫 Il gatto a nove code...
致命布局致命佈局(台),A Deadly Deed...
恶魔的尾巴恶魔的尾巴 The Devil's Tail2021,恶魔的尾巴 The Devil's Tail...
下载即死亡你完蛋了,下载即死亡 You Die - Get the app, then die...
马戏团疑云马戏班魔王,马戏团疑案,马戏团疑云 Circus of Horrors...
猛鬼嬉春Carry on Vampire,猛鬼嬉春 Carry On Screaming!...
魔童村梦之村,遭诅咒的村庄,准午前十时,魔童村 Village of the Damned...
勇者无畏2018无情人贩子,勇者无畏 Relentless...