逃跑的女孩,Mother,逃脱的女孩 The Girl Who Got Away...
玩具盒惊魂,玩偶盒惊魂 The Jack in the Box...
Let’s Scare Julie to Death,吓吓朱莉 Let's Scare Julie...
Dreadout: Tower of Hell,鬼入鏡:靈之鬼跡(台),小镇惊魂 DreadOut...
小心背后,小心身后 Behind You...
血船 Blood Vessel2019,血船 Blood Vessel...
血腥地狱 Bloody Hell2020,血腥地狱 Bloody Hell...
雅各布之妻 Jakob's Wife2021,雅各布之妻 Jakob's Wife...
Welcome to the Blumhouse: The Manor,养老庄园 The Manor...
臆想魔友 Z2019,臆想魔友 Z...
月光光新慌慌:万圣杀(台),月光光心慌慌:万圣节杀戮,万圣节杀戮,月光光殺清光(港),月光光心慌慌:杀戮 Halloween Kills...
恨之入骨 Deep Hatred2022,恨之入骨 Deep Hatred...
美国难民 American Refugee2021,美国难民 American Refugee...
新睡衣晚会大屠杀 Slumber Party Massacre2021,新睡衣晚会大屠杀 Slumber Party Massacre...
Project Emperor,Proyecto Emperador,Code Name: Emperor,Código Emperador...
TA们,Whistler Camp,他们/她们 They/Them...
狂暴巨蟒,巨蟒 MegaBoa...
抽尸剥茧(台),Cut Off,孤立 Abgeschnitten...
心碎效应(台),支离破碎 Shattered...
Valley of Shadows,异度山谷 Skyggenes dal...