反恐局中局(港),巴士底日(台),突袭国庆日,The Take,巴黎危机 Bastille Day...
尼罗河谋杀案(港/台),尼罗河上的惨案 Death on the Nile...
The Children,温德米尔儿童 The Windermere Children...
到此一游,我曾来过 I Came By...
神迹,禁食疑案 The Wonder...
路德(电影版),路德探长:落日之殇,路德:陨日,路德:落日之殇 Luther: The Fallen Sun...
拜访森林,走进森林,魔法黑森林 Into the Woods...
火星任务(港),绝地救援(台),火星人,火星救援 The Martian...
Wüstenblume,沙漠之花 Desert Flower...
The Long Goodnight,在我消失前 Before I Disappear...
完美监护人(港),完美监护(台),诈欺女王(台),我很在乎 I Care a Lot...
The Children,温德米尔儿童 The Windermere Children...
断绝,无头尸大闹杀人谷,断头气 Severance...