Urban Myths,Urban Myths: Tooth Worms,Goedam 2,도시괴담2,首尔怪谈 서울괴담...
灵异档案(台),死寂,安静的人,死寂亡灵 The Quiet Ones...
扫描者大决斗,Telepathy 2000,扫描者,夺命凶灵 Scanners...
颤栗:五大丧尸,恐惧幻影 Chilling Visions: 5 Senses of Fear...
床底下,床下魔怪 Under the Bed...
幽冥鬼手,猛鬼街4,半夜鬼上床 4,猛鬼街第四集,猛鬼街4:梦幻主宰 A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master...
半夜鬼上床5:猛鬼怪胎,猛鬼街5:夜夜鬼缠身,猛鬼街第五集,猛鬼街5:猛鬼怪胎 A Nightmare On Elm Street: The Dream Child...
骇人巨兽(台),Chawu,Chaw,食人猪 차우...
恐怖疯人院,痴呆症患,杀出僵尸镇 The Demented...
茅坑里的僵尸(港),僵尸屁股,丧尸茅厕,Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead,丧尸的屁股 ゾンビアス...
小屋,养鬼屋 The Shed...
東京喪波,Tokyo Zombie,东京丧波,东京僵尸 東京ゾンビ...
鬼鲨 Ghost Shark2013,鬼鲨 Ghost Shark...
刺身者,纹身师 The Tattooist...
The Park,咒乐园 咒樂園...
僵尸大屠杀 Zombie Holocaust1980,僵尸大屠杀 Zombie Holocaust...
乐极撞鬼(台),1303六星级豪宅乐极撞鬼(台),Apartment 1303,1303大厦 1303号室...
再见亦是猛鬼,半夜鬼上床7,新噩梦,猛鬼街 7,Wes Craven’s New Nightmare,猛鬼街7 New Nightmare...
舱热症,尸骨无存 Cabin Fever...
梵天罗刹,怪物惊魂 Creature...