誓约,盟约 The Covenant...
魔鬼手记,鬼上门,第九道门 The Ninth Gate...
木乃伊 Mummies2023,木乃伊 Mummies...
Inspector Sun and the Curse of the Black Widow,Inspetor Aranha,Detetive Aranha,孙神探与黑寡妇的诅咒 Inspector Sun y la maldición de la viuda negra...
挚爱永恒(台),恋火浮生(港),来到这个世上,Twice Born,Into the World,行至今生 Venuto Al Mondo...
Iberia´s Woodlands,伊比利亚之森,伊比利亚丛林 第一季 Iberia's Woodlands: Life on the Edge Season 1...
职业:记者,旅客,The Passenger,过客 Professione: reporter...
玩命特区(台),暴力禁区(港),公寓追凶,District B13,暴力街区 Brick Mansions...